Saturday, December 24, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

Well, we got one at least! That's right, Baby C woke up this morning with his first tooth coming through! And, he's been a trooper about it!

In other news, it looks like we are going to have a white Christmas! Believe it or not, but we were afraid we wouldn't! White Christmases were one of the major draws to moving here. It's nothing compared to last year, but thankfully, we got a big snowfall yesterday that dusted the earth. Let's just hope it doesn't melt by tomorrow! It has been one strange winter for the Northland so far!

I have so much more to blog about, but we have been so busy getting ready for Baby C's first Christmas, traveling, and crafting. I'll try to write about it all soon. But I'll leave you with some (ok lots because it has been a while) cute pictures of Baby C until then!

Love this sweet boy

Sweet sleeping baby

He loves his new polar bear

So cute in his new hat my aunt made for him

My Georgia boys ready for the SEC Championship

Getting our Christmas tree (in another cute hat my aunt made him)

First try at a sippy cup

We had a lot of fun photographing our little gift under the Christmas tree


He is such a happy baby! We are so blessed!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We got our first snowfall this week. It wasn’t very pretty and was actually pretty pathetic for the Northland. But, we got more snow today (and it’s still falling). And it is pretty! Baby C even was amazed by it!

(my husband took these)

Looking out at the snow

Don’t worry, we didn’t keep him out long enough for him to get too cold

Ready or not, here comes winter!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Starting Solids

We introduced Baby C to solids a week and a half ago (October 22 to be exact – since this is a make-shift baby book until I can find one I like). We started him out on oatmeal, since his doctor said we didn’t have to start with rice cereal. He loved it from the beginning! He didn’t spit it out or make a disgusted face at it. He was definitely ready for solids. After a week of eating oatmeal (which we thickened as the week went on), we tried green beans. He took to it right away and loved it! After a few days, we added carrots for the menu last night. Once again, couldn’t get enough! We have a good eater on our hands! I love the way his little mouth forms, like a baby bird, when he wants another bite. We can’t get it to him fast enough! It’s still so hard for me to believe that my baby boy is eating solids and that he is now 5 months old. It makes me sad how quickly time has flown by. But I love every minute with my sweet boy. He brings so much joy to my life. The Lord has blessed us richly.

Here are some pictures we took over the past week and a half of him eating. He’s just so cute!

Trying oatmeal for the first time
First few bites

Ready for more

Trying green beans for the first time (and Go Dawgs!)

Trying carrots for the first time

Just to update, still no teeth. I’m very shocked by this.