Yesterday, I took advantage of a couple being over at our place to move furniture. Being 31 weeks pregnant, I can't move furniture around, so my husband needed help. We basically had to move an entire room's worth of furniture to various parts of our home, mostly the basement, in order to finish setting up the nursery. When we moved into our three bedroom townhouse with a basement, the largest place we have lived in, I got the best room to set up my office. It had the best view of the lake. I spent practically every day in my office before I became pregnant.
After we found out we were expecting, suddenly the walls started to move in and our home seemed so small. How were we going to fit in a nursery? We had every room planned out and filled. I spent days, maybe even weeks, trying to figure out how we were going to add this nursery. I thought of combining our guest room and my office, but there was no way of adding any more furniture to the guest room. My husband thought of getting rid of the guest room and making it into the nursery so I could keep my office. But we had already used our guest room so much in such a short period of time, so I didn't think it was practical to do that. There was the option of moving my office to the basement alongside my husband's office, but I probably would be too much of a distraction to him and I wanted a convenient place for quick use of my things after Baby C was born.
I finally concluded that my office had to be no more. Everything had to be separated. My desk and one bookcase are now in the dining room. The rest is in the basement, to be determined exactly how they will be arranged. As long as they are out of the way of my husband's office space, we are good for now. I will say I had a hard time parting with my office. Over time, I've become ok with this because Baby C deserves nothing but the best! Plus I can still benefit and enjoy the view while nursing and rocking him in the nursery!
We are far from finished with the final project, but it is a relief to have the hardest part done. We have the crib, changing table/dresser combo, and rocking chair set up, now onto arranging and decorating! I can't wait to see the final product, especially with Baby C as the finishing touch. Pictures to come.
Thanks for the help guys!
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